Japan Expo Paris - July 3-6, 2025
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Questions about Zen/Zen + Confort Tickets

All the answers to your questions about Zen/Zen + Comnfort Tickets!

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General questions

Q: What is the difference between Zen/Zen + Confort Tickets and regular tickets?

A: Zen Tickets allow you to be among the first to enter, with the Zen + Confort entrance opening at 8:15 a.m. and the Zen entrance at 8:30 a.m., and to enter and exit as you please throughout the day. Without a Zen Ticket, any exit is final. Zen/Zen + Confort Tickets also entitle you to a gift bag and Japan Expo goodies!

Q: Where can I buy a Zen/Zen + Confort Ticket?

A: Zen/Zen + Confort Tickets are on sale only on the Japan Expo website.

Beware of fraud: you should never buy a Zen/Zen + Confort Ticket from a reseller. Zen/Zen + Confort Tickets are nominative and it is impossible to resell them after the purchase from Japan Expo.

Q: How do I know when Zen/Zen + Confort Tickets will be on sale?

A: In general, Zen/Zen + Confort Tickets are put on sale before the regular tickets. The on-sale date for Zen/Zen + Confort Tickets is announced on our social networks and our website, especially on the Zen/Zen + Confort Tickets information page and on the ticketing page. 

Q: When do Zen/Zen + Confort Tickets go on sale?

A: Zen/Zen + Confort Tickets are on sale until the quantity offered is exhausted. In this case, the information will be communicated on our website.

Q: Is it possible to obtain a Zen/Zen + Confort Ticket for a person who does not live in metropolitan France?

A: Zen/Zen + Confort Tickets are available to everyone, regardless of the country in which you live.

Q: How can I get my Zen/Zen + Confort badge back?

A: Your Zen/Zen + Confort badge is sent directly to your mailbox, only for people living in Metropolitan France. If necessary, you can collect it when you arrive at the festival. 

Q: What do I have to bring back the day I arrive at Japan Expo?

A: You must show your electronic ticket and a valid ID (ID card or passport. Photocopies or scan of an ID will not be accepted) at the Zen/Zen+ Confort reception desk.
You will then be given your badge if it was not sent to you by mail. It will be valid during the four days of the festival. Anyone who shows up without their e-ticket or ID will not be able to pick up their badge under any circumstances.

Q: I was not able to pick up my Zen/Zen + Confort Ticket on the first day of the festival. Can I still pick it up afterward?

A: Yes, you can pick up your Zen/Zen + Confort Ticket any day at the entrance. 

Booking a Zen/Zen + Confort ticket

Q: What information do I need to provide when booking my Zen/Zen + Confort Ticket?

A: You must provide:

  • A passport photo (see below)
  • Your civil status (first and last name). No nicknames, initials, or diminutives
  • Your date of birth
  • A postal address
  • A valid email address for the processing of your reservation

ATTENTION: if one of these elements is not in conformity, your reservation cannot be validated.

Q: What type of photo should I send?

A: You must send us a picture of your identity via the reservation form:

  • must be in jpg or png format
  • must be recent, of good quality, showing you from the front and allowing you to be recognized (no mask, no costume, no make-up hiding your face, no Snapchat type filter, no hat or other headgear)
  • must be at least 300 pixels wide by 400 pixels high
  • must be in portrait format (height greater than width)
  • must only include yourself (no photos with several people or animals)
  • must be in color (no black and white or sepia photos)
  • must not exceed 500 kb

We insist on the fact that you must be recognizable in this photo because it is what will allow us to verify your identity at the entrance of the events. If this is not the case, we may not allow you to enter the event.

Please be careful not to provide a photocopy of an identity card or an old or very poor-quality photo.

Q: How do I pay for my Zen Ticket?

A: The only accepted means of payment is by credit or debit card (CB, VISA, MASTERCARD).
Please note: keep your cell phone close to you when paying, as a security code may be sent to you by SMS in order to validate the payment (payment security by 3D Secure).

Q: Can someone else pay for my Zen/Zen + Confort Ticket?

A: When you make a reservation, you must first enter the information of the Zen/Zen + Confort Ticket holder, the person who will use the ticket. If you order four tickets, you must fill in the same information for the other holders. Then, in the second part of the form, enter the information of the buyer, the person who will pay for the ticket.
Be careful not to invert the information, no later modification will be possible.

Q: Is it possible to order several Zen/Zen + Confort Tickets at the same time?

A: You can buy up to 1 Zen + Confort tickets and 6 Zen tickets per order, making sure that you have all the information for each holder. All Zen/Zen + Confort Tickets are nominative and require the personal information of their holder at the time of purchase.

Q: When is my reservation definitively validated?

A: The information entered in the form is subject to validation by our teams. They verify the information within three days (working days). Your payment will be cashed within seven days.
The order is definitively validated when you receive the confirmation e-mail, which contains your invoice and your ticket.

Q: How can I track my reservation?

A: You can see the status of your order in your Japan Expo account ("My orders" menu).
You are also kept informed of the progress of your booking thanks to e-mails sent at each stage of the processing of your file. As these messages are automatic, some messaging applications may consider them suspicious, so think of checking your spam folder regularly.

Q: When will I receive my ticket, and in what form?

A: Your electronic ticket is automatically sent to you by e-mail address after validation by our team. Remember to check your spam folder.

Q: I didn't receive the e-mail confirming the order of my Zen/Zen + Confort Ticket.

A: The e-mail confirming that your order has been taken into account should reach you quickly after you confirm your order on our site. If this is not the case, check your spam mail, as some messaging systems block these messages.

Other questions

Q: You are not answering my question. What should I do?

A: You can read the Visitor's Guide and other practical information by clicking here, and if you still can't find an answer, send us a message via the "Contact us" section, making sure to choose the appropriate wording in the "Type" field, and we will do our best to find an answer!

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