Japan Expo Paris - July 11-14, 2024
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See you at the 19th Impact!

You're feeling a bit blue after leaving the festival? Your mind is already set on the 19th Impact? Then book your week-end as the festival will be back on July 5-8, 2018 and you can start getting ready now!

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Thank you so much for 4 crazy days! Before going back over the many memories from the 18th Impact that we can't wait to share with you, let's start with saving the date for next year: Japan Expo 19th Impact will be held on July 5-8, 2018, at Paris-Nord Villepinte Exhibition Center.

For all those who like to prepare things in advance, ticketing for the 19th Impact is launched as the 18th Impact is closing its doors, today at 6.00 pm, with 1-day tickets and 4-day passes, and also Zen Tickets if you like to play it cool! All the information about ticketing is available on this page and for Zen Tickets, let's click here.  



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1) Prix des billets, boissons, sandwich en hausse, sans cesse ; 2) Mise à l'écart des artisans et indé ; 3) Vous rendez-vous compte que les gens qui viennent en cosplay participent grandement à animer votre salon à fric ? 4) On continue à placer les stands de manière à ce que certaines allées soient impraticables. 5) On paie un billet, on aurait pu espérer un "avantage" sur les marchandises vendues ; 6) Bien les vieux qui ont du s'asseoir par terre ? 7) A quand des commerçants japonais ?

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