Japan Expo Paris - July 11-14, 2024
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Buy your tickets on site!

You haven't got your ticket yet? It's still time: they're on sale on site!

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Like every year, tickets are on sale on site at the festival cashiers from 10.00 am, but only 1-day tickets. If you want to buy tickets for several days, you can buy several 1-day tickets. 

Reminder - The Paris area is under the highest level of national security alert at the moment. That’s why the checking of all bags has been made compulsory. To avoid delays as much as possible,you will first be guided to hall 8 where your bags will be checked by security agents.

Then, things go back to normal: you will be lead to hall 7 where the lines are, and then to the cashiers (hall 6).

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cilou, 32 years old
Et bien 10h apparemment. J'ai pas acheté mes billets en avance non plus, mais pour autant que je sache, les caisses ouvrent à 10h. Mais je pense y aller plus tôt, pour être le proche possible des caisses quand elles ouvriront ;)
Même question que ElectroDream, ayant raté les achats à l'avance j'aimerais y etre le plus tôt possible !
Bonjour j'ai l'intention d'acheter mon billet sur place mais je ne sais pas a quel heure ouvre les gichets... pourriez vous m'indiquer leur horaire d'ouverture. Mes remerciement. E.D

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