Japan Expo Paris - July 3-6, 2025
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Exhibitor FAQ

To help you find solutions to your problems, read the answers to the questions we’re asked most often!

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All exhibitors

Q: Where can I register?

A: Registration files are available a few months before the festival.

To get a registration file or if you have any other request, please contact us by using the contact form on this page. Please mention your contact information and present your activity in your message.

Q: I tried to contact you with this form several times but I’ve had no reply so far.

A: We answer messages from the contact form within 72 hours. If you still have no answer, we may be out of office, or haven’t received your message, or you didn’t get the reply. Please try again to send your message with a different e-mail address.

If you still have no answer from us, send us a mail.

Q: What postal address can I use to write to you?

A: SEFA EVENT « Service Exposants »
14 place Georges Pompidou
93160 Noisy-le-Grand

You cannot meet a member of our staff through this address. Use it for mail only.

Q: Can I organize activities on my booth?

A: We wish to offer as much entertainment to our attendees as possible. We’ll be delighted to learn about your projects, and to help you achieve and promote them.

Feel free to let us know about any project you have.

Q: Can I decorate my booth?

A: Sure! Customizing your boot is important.

Yet pay attention to the material you use: any tablecloth, piece of material, or decoration easy to reach for the attendees must be fireproof and fire-retardant.

Our security service is very strict on this matter (and often make tests with lighters!!).

About posters, use adhesive tape that can be removed easily or Blu-tack (no screw, no pin, no staple, otherwise you may have to pay for any damage to the partitions or furniture).

Q: About invites, are they entrance tickets for one day?

A: Yes.

An invite is like a presale 1-day ticket. It allows one person to enter the festival for one day during public hours. ATTENTION, invites are not valid on Saturday.

Q: Can I exchange several invites with an exhibitor pass?

A: No, absolutely not. Passes and invites are totally different.

An invite allows you to enter via public lines at during public opening hours.

Access through the exhibitor entrance will be denied to anyone with an invite.

Q: Is the exit definitive?

A: Yes, as in most professional events, all exits are definitive.

Please note that people with exhibitor badges can go in and out as they wish through the exhibitor entrance.

Q: Can I share my booth?

A: No, as mentioned in the rules. An exhibitor cannot let, sublet or share, for free or money, his/her booth or part of his/her booth within the festival.

Q: Will I get an invoice?

A: Yes, whether you’re a hobby or professional exhibitor, an invoice will be edited for any service you order.

PDF invoices are sent by e-mail before the festival.

hobby exhibitors (amateur or passion booth)

Q: Can several booths share one electric connection?

A: Yes. Considering the price that cannot be lowered, we allow electric connections to be shared between several booths (up to 4 booths for 1 electric connection). The hobby exhibitors sharing an electric connection must agree on respecting the technical specifics of the connections. Moreover, in case a sound device is installed, volume must be kept to a reasonable level.

Organizers cannot be held responsible for problems created from the non-respect of the technical specifics of the electric connection.

The exhibitors must bring their own extension cords and power strips.


Q: How is the price of the shared electric connection divided? Can we pay a quarter or half of it or does someone have to pay the whole of it and get reimbursed by the other exhibitors sharing the device?

A: You pay only for what you will use. In the quantity box on the order form, specify 1/4 if you want 750W, 1/3 for 1000W or 1/2 for 1500W. Then you have to work out how much you have to pay.

Q: Is there a maximum number of passes?

A: Yes, one hobby exhibitor can have up to 10 passes for his/her whole booth.

Q: Can I bring extra chairs/stools on top of those included in the booth?

A: Sure! Just avoid plastic grey or back chairs or it will be hard to tell them apart from the ones included in the booth.

Q: Can I bring an extra table?

A: Yes.

Q: How many pack can I order?

A: Any hobby exhibitor can order up to 1 pack.

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