Japan Expo Paris - July 11-14, 2024
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esport with IRL Games & Helios Gaming

IRL Games and Helios Gaming gather at Japan Expo 20th Impact to offer its attendee a unique experience mixing virtual reality and real reality! Get ready to lose it!

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IRL Games have become masters in the art of animation. Real Life event organisers, they would do anything to offer the audience unique and gripping experiences: escape game, paper chase, murder and even Sherlock are available at the IRL Games events, which ensures its attendees a moment of complicity, and even of bravery in some instances!

Helios Gaming is an e-sport circuit based on several games for professional and amateur players. Founder of the Helios Gaming School, many e-sport teams owe their success and their skill to Helios Gaming, which also organises contests, retro gaming activities, virtual reality experiences and other themed events. 

IRL Games and Helios Gaming offer Japan Expo attendees a unique experience mixing virtual and real through a circuit open to young and old, on the InfiniVerse booth.

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  • Video games

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